
Monday, June 2, 2014

Nanny Returns

**Book 1**

I'm not going to lie to you guys. This book was a bit of a disappointment after the wonderful and emotional book that is The Nanny Diaries. This was more of a "let's tie up those loose ends and throw in a bunch more complicated story on top of it" books.

So, Nan is back in New York after twelve years away. She's married to the Harvard Hottie from the first book (his name is Ryan by the way), and she's trying to start a consulting business...during the beginning of the recession. Ryan wants babies, Nan does not feel she's ready, especially after the disastrous end to her relationship with Grayer X.

And then Grayer comes back into her life. Granted, he's completely wasted when he shows up on her doorstep, but he's angry and wants to know why she left him all those years ago. He also has a younger brother named Stilton (seriously, what's with the weird names?). Mr. and Mrs. X are finally over. How they'd managed to make it that long, I'll never know. Grayer's world is essentially collapsing around him and Nan is forced to step back in to help him, and herself, find something resembling peace.

I felt like this book was a bit of a forced venture. It seemed to be an effort to please the fans, but the story lines just didn't come together in a very coherent way. I was hopeful this would be a good book, but, like I said, I was disappointed.

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