
Thursday, April 26, 2012

New Moon

**Link: Book 1**

Ok. I'm going to be bluntly honest about this book. It's tedious. It is my least favorite of the four Twilight books and here's why.

The story just isn't good in this book. You spend chapter after chapter reading about how miserable Bella is because Edward has left her. It is the epitome of teen melodrama. All I heard in my head reading this book is "whine, whine, whine, why doesn't he love me?" Like I said. Tedious.

I'm not saying that this book doesn't have some importance to the series, because it does. It introduces a new group of characters that are essential later on, and shows a relationship that will create new problems. But all of that could be better developed in a book that isn't so melodramatic. Not to mention, after seeing the movie, some of the lines have gotten cheesier.

But, still, like the rest of the series, it's a good way to live outside of reality for a little while.

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